During our first session this morning, we looked at developing a geological timeline on a paper roll. We had to calculate where we would place info on it in relation to its length and the time periods represented. I can use this to develop a technology and/or science timeline for STEM classes.
The next section we looked at weather forecasting, as well as the use of this for foreign language teachers. Dr. Sherman-Morris also showed us a website that will give us more info on different topics with activities. We also checked out some links on weather, including MSU's student weather forecast that are on YouTube. We then began developing our own weather forecast in PPT.
Today in art, we painted our background in watercolors. We then took our images and considered the shapes that make up our individual image. We chose our background boards (mats) and then started drawing the shapes in our images. We are going to cut out the individual pieces and overlap them to develop our design. I cannot wait to see this project when it is finished!
Dr. Timmerman spoke to us about Native American Indian stereotypes and their prevalence in movies, cartoons, tv shows, etc. He also showed us how we can incorporate the use of videos to address these issues with our students. Many of these are culturally insensitive with some being downright insulting, so it is important to discuss this issue with our students.
We finished up by looking at a workbook that incorporates creative writing with science topics. I think this would be great in my classroom because so much of our writing is based upon technical writing, not necessarily "fun" writing.
I have really enjoyed Dr. Sherman-Morris and her input to GAETI 2017. Her love of her subject area has made a great impact on some of what I will teach this fall in STEM. I truly hope to bring my students to MSU to check out the museums, as well as the weather broadcasting lab.